Articles on PR for People

A New Social Contract for Our Endangered Species

As the evidence of our survival crisis continues to mount—with megadroughts, catastrophic floods, rampant wildfires, melting glaciers, devastating hurricanes and more—the word “denial” comes to mind. “Too little, too late” could very well become an epitaph for our endangered species.

“The Future Lies Ahead”

For a species that literally owes its remarkable evolutionary success over time to its social behavior and its many innovations (we have rightly been called “The Self-Made Man” by the anthropologist Jonathan Kingdon), we have been very slow to recognize, much less respond to what can fairly be called an existential survival crisis.  Some 99 percent of all the species that have ever evolved are now extinct. We may soon join them. Unless…

GREEN ROUNDUP - “The Future Lies Ahead”

For a species that literally owes its remarkable evolutionary success over time to its social behavior and its many innovations (we have rightly been called “The Self-Made Man” by the anthropologist Jonathan Kingdon), we have been very slow to recognize, much less respond to what can fairly be called an existential survival crisis.  Some 99 percent of all the species that have ever evolved are now extinct. We may soon join them. Unless…

We Need to Have a Demagogue Detector

To avoid future threats to our democracy, we should develop something like an earthquake early warning system.  Donald Trump could serve as our model. We have seen this movie several times before.   If we can learn to pick up the plotline from seeing the previews, maybe we can avoid having to watch this movie unfold again. Once upon a time, we were taught to be wary of snake oil salesmen, traveling medicine men, card sharks, and other charlatans.  We need to revive the lost art of distrust.

“Time Wounds All Heels!”

“Time Wounds All Heels!” This play on an old cliché says it all about Donald Trump’s likely future.  Here is just a peek at the legal mine-field and other sand traps that lie ahead for him.

Demagogues vs. (Small “d”) Democrats

Donald Trump has taught us an all-important civics lesson. Shame on us if we forget it and don’t act to prevent an encore.

The #TrumpCrimeFamily!

For the past year, Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani, and a number of other Republican operatives have been spreading the canard that the Bidens represent a criminal enterprise.  Seriously!  It’s time to pin the tail on the right donkey.  In fact, it’s an elephant! 

It’s Time to Call it What it Is: “Treason”

It’s especially egregious (and punishable) when the perpetrator is the President of the United States.  He has betrayed his oath, his country, and the generations that have built it.

Does Democracy Have a Soul?

Does Democracy Have a Soul? It has to do with how the citizens view themselves, and their society, and how they relate to their government – and vice versa.  It is a shared state of mind.

The Psychopathology of Fascism

The Psychopathology of Fascism Shakespeare nailed it in Julius Caesar: “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves…” Enter Donald Trump, stage right.