It’s human nature for us to feel superior to something. That’s why we have tribes, sports, competition. Everyone’s vision of a better place is totally different. So it’s an individual pursuit. People have to be happy with themselves individually and with the way their lives are going and accept that not everyone’s lives are universal. Can’t argue that red is better than orange or blue is better than green.
People forget and focus on the minutiae instead of on the bigger picture. We have to look at the bigger picture—our species and the human race. People know deep down inside that they have to keep humans alive. People are always going to step up, saying we need to stay alive. Some people don’t understand that if you don’t want things to be a certain way then you have to hate. They think If you want to stop something, if you hate it enough, it will go away. If you hate something, if you hate white supremacy, you’re giving it power. If you want something to die, then ignore it. Don’t give it any sort of attention.
I believe humanity will always step up and do the right thing. I believe in humanity and the human nature of preserving life. It’s innate that we don’t want to stop our species. We want to be alive. We all realize it in an unconscious way. We want to keep the human species alive.