A New Social Contract for Our Endangered Species by Dr. Peter Corning: As the evidence of our survival crisis continues to mount—with megadroughts, catastrophic floods, rampant wildfires, melting glaciers, devastating hurricanes and more—the word “denial” comes to mind. “Too little, too late” could very well become an epitaph for our endangered species.
Barbara Lloyd McMichael writes about the environmental lessons and programs that are sponsored by the Hermitage Museum and Gardens in Norfolk Virginia.
My Wild Horse by Patricia Vaccarino: This essay is part of a new collection by Patricia Vaccarino called Notes from the Road. The collection demonstrates her craft as a writer. By using powerful metaphors, her chiseled sentences have been carefully architected without once using a comma.
Nick J. Licata suggests that Christian Nationalism is like a cancer and asks: Is it benign or malignant? Learn how Republican leaders are energizing their voter base by espousing a Christian Nationalist philosophy.
A Dark Wood by E.G. Singer:The current plagues and poxes upon all our houses around the globe have indeed brought us to a dark wood—and to our knees. As a virus continues to circulate around us—environmental disasters (the results of climate change) seem to continue unabated.
Book Review: The Ghost Stories of Edith Wharton –Top Pick for October! “Edith Wharton's ghosts are borne of highbrow fear, a form of intellectual mania that is never truly terrifying but fodder to ponder life’s greater truths.” -Patricia Vaccarino
Book Review: Thoreau the Meter: Transcendental Treks on the Noir Shift by Joseph Ferguson:In “Thoreau the Meter: Transcendental Treks on the Noir Shift,” Joseph Ferguson writes about journeys on the road that weave in and out of Yonkers as though this city is a roundabout located on Main Street in the midst of America.
Patricia Vaccarino writes book reviews for love or money: I know how hard it is for authors to get quality book reviews. Traditional book reviewers will only review the “big books.” I am happy to write a book review, but my time is important to me. -Patricia Vaccarino